
Community Team-Up

316 Aufrufe
erstellt am 20.10.2016
aktualisiert am 06.01.2023
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316 Aufrufe
erstellt am 20.10.2016
aktualisiert am 06.01.2023

Give Something Back To Berlin e.V.

Info Give Something Back To Berlin
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Worum geht es im Projekt?

Every month Give Something Back To Berlin organises a community event where refugees, newcomers and Berliners of all kinds - Germans, recently-settled, longtime neighbours - come together to meet, mix, learn and share. The idea is as simple as any Facebook page or LinkedIn group, but playing out in real life.

Here we create connections of all sorts; social, professional, buissness, and possibilities for finding people for your awesome project, idea or cause. Being new in the city often means you won’t yet have an established network of friends, family and helpers - the ones we often take for granted, not realising this is one of our greatest resources.

At our Team Ups newcomers can create or expand their local networks while building bridges between different communities and worlds, creating mutual underderstanding and respect. Through a little chatting a lot of things happen naturally. People get to know each other, hear about job opportunities, find a spot in a flat, get their first internship, find a project to get involved in, meet old and new friends and get to know some familiar faces that add up to a sense of home.

Wie kannst Du helfen?

Give Something Back To Berlin doesn’t run any traditional mentoring programs. We belive in organic mixing and matching and that with enough interesting and open people in the community, magic can happen. Our Team Up events have seen up to 200 people attend in one evening in a friendly and inclusive enviorment with people from all over he world. At every Team Up we have special guests. These might be projects we want to present or specialists in the Berlin job market offering workshops. At every event there is an open stage for you to pitch your idea or project.

The greatest strength of our Team Up events is our ability to generate hundreds of meaningful connections in just one evening. Our upcoming Team Up events are listed on our Events page, as well as on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/GiveSomethingBackToBerlin). Hope to see you there!




Give Something Back To Berlin e.V.

Give Something Back To Berlin is the largest project platform and network that makes social engagement and neighborhood work accessible to the large migrant population of Berlin. Our hundreds of volunteers come from over 60 countries, including the US, Sudan, Poland, Syria, Hong Kong, Israel and Brazil, with all different backgrounds and stories. Some are privileged enough to be able to work and travel anywhere they want. Others have refugee status and don’t even know if they can stay in the country. We call ourselves “50 shades of immigrants”, but the way we see it we are all neighbors, both in Berlin, and on this one planet. First and foremost, we are all people who want create change and positive outcomes on different societal challenges.
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