
Social Media Management Praktikanten - learning by doing

67 Aufrufe
erstellt am 07.06.2021
aktualisiert am 06.01.2023
Vor Ort


  • Feminismus
  • Kunst & Kultur
  • Politischer Aktivismus


  • Gestalten & Kreativ sein
  • Organisieren & Planen
  • PR & Social Media

    Art des Engagements

  • Ehrenamt


  • Deutsch
  • Englisch
67 Aufrufe
erstellt am 07.06.2021
aktualisiert am 06.01.2023

Ingrid Firmhofer Photojournalist

Ingrid Firmhofer
Jetzt Kontakt aufnehmen

Worum geht es im Projekt?

crowd doing a crowdfunding photo and text project gender and race egalitarian, feminist , sex positive , political, spiritual, art project A somewhat simple but very common definition of feminism is "equality between men and women". But we don't want to be equal to men. We want - to live our male characteristics (Yang) like anger without being called hysterical or furious, or assertiveness without being classified as too masculine, - the female values (Yin) to be appreciated again: sensuality, devotion, vulnerability, intuition, mysticism, wisdom&age, and connection. - that eroticism is seen as a sacred source of creation and creativity that takes place when Yin and Yang meet. Connection means the inter-connectedness of everything with everything, e.g. to nature, to men, to oneself and to one's own feelings, which are in the body. Capitalism separates using racism and sexism. The aim of the project is to create awareness to the toxic shame on the above mentioned aspects

Wie kannst Du helfen?

Social Media Tech and Strategist: Instagram

I am looking for students who can take this position as an internship credit and I can imagine these students studying e.g. photography or social media or art. Skills: creativity & design, Instagram Account Manager, managing & planning, PR & communication

Bewerbungen bitte direkt über die Seite www.blackmadonnaforpresident.com unter "Contact"




Ingrid Firmhofer Photojournalist

Munich Based Photojournalist Body and Sex Positive, Political and Spiritual Direct Activist, Artist, Racial and Gender Egalist, Cultural Bridge Builder
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