
Career Mentoring for our Digital Literacy Students

92 Aufrufe
erstellt am 16.12.2020
aktualisiert am 28.08.2023
Nach Vereinbarung


  • Feminismus
  • Flucht & Migration


  • Beraten & Coachen

    Art des Engagements

  • Ehrenamt


  • Deutsch
  • Arabisch
  • Persisch/Farsi
92 Aufrufe
erstellt am 16.12.2020
aktualisiert am 28.08.2023

ReDI School of Digital Integration

Pierluigi Delgiudice
Jetzt Kontakt aufnehmen

Worum geht es im Projekt?

The Mentorship Programme for Digital Literacy Students aims to open new professional perspectives and accelerate integration for our youth and women in the digital literacy courses in Berlin. We do this by providing our students with 1:1 mentorship and building a long lasting relationship between mentor and mentee based on trust and respect, where both can learn from each other. The Digital Literacy students vary in age, gender and heritage. The majority of our students have a forced migration background and are between the ages of 25-40 who come from Syria, Afghanistan and Eritrea.

Wie kannst Du helfen?

Be part of our pilot project and support our students on their learning journey with 1:1 mentoring. Share your experience in the following fields:

  • Self orientation
  • CV & application support
  • Presentation & interview skills




ReDI School of Digital Integration

Founded in 2015, ReDI School of Digital Integration is a non-profit tech school providing migrants and marginalized locals free and equitable access to digital education. 

We offer our learners high quality coding and basic computer courses in combination with a unique career and mentorship program, which includes the chance to collaborate with tech companies, startups and digital industry leaders. 

Our aim is to provide our learners with valuable digital skills, a growth mindset, strengthened career skills and a strong network of tech professionals to help create new opportunities for all. 

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